CORRECTION: Tap and Barrel’s Olympic Village
Chef Has Fight Set for July 27th at Annual Aprons for Gloves
Restaurant Rumble; #TAPvillage, #AFG
Tickets at
Ticketmaster - Rumble17
Vancouver BC – July 17, 2017
( Newswire) Correction to
previous news; Local Vancouver chef Taylor Van
Zant from the Tap & Barrel in Olympic Village will take on Bryn
Thomas at the 6th Annual Aprons for Gloves Restaurant Rumble event
on July 27th at the Commodore Ballroom – 868 Granville
St. Vancouver, BC. Aprons for Gloves Boxing Association is a non-profit
organization focused on providing community outreach through the sport of
Taylor says,” I'm putting my face
on the line at Restaurant Rumble 2017 in support of Vancouver's Downtown East
Aprons for gloves Men's 185
- 200lbs - Bryn Thomas VS Taylor Van Zant
RR17 Fight Night
Date: July 27, 2017 Time: Daytime Undercards
& Evening Title Fights Location: Commodore Ballroom – 868 Granville St.
Vancouver, BC Details: Restaurant Rumble 2017: Vancouver's 6th Annual Boxing
Fundraiser. Tickets: Ticketmaster - Rumble17
In order to attend training, each
fighter is required to raise $2000 for charity before they can compete at the
Rumble and Taylor is getting close to reaching his $2000 goal as he trains for
the fight .
Founded in 2012, Aprons for
Gloves Boxing Association is a non-profit organization focused on providing
community outreach through the sport of boxing. Based in Vancouver’s Downtown
Eastside, the organization was developed by a small group of professionals and
entrepreneurs who seized an opportunity to re-establish a historic boxing
program for at-risk women and youth. The program offers free mentorship and
training to individuals who may otherwise not have the resources or support to
participate in such activities.
The sport of boxing teaches
discipline, respect, hard work and self-control. Training results in positive
self-esteem, good health and camaraderie for its practitioners.
Learn more
and donate here to Taylor’s event for Aprons for Gloves :
Aprons for Gloves Boxing
@eastsideboxing1 #AFG #RR17
Aprons For Gloves - Restaurant Rumble 2014 - Intro to the Title Fights
Restaurant Rumble 2017
Every year bartenders, chefs,
dishwashers, servers, baristas and all sorts of individuals from the Gastown
community get together to train at the Eastside Boxing Club to fight in
Restaurant Rumble.
Contact at